
We are proud of our accomplishments and grateful for the recognition our work has received.

Since our founding two decades ago, we’ve committed ourselves to undertaking and completing projects that provide positive impact to communities. We avoid attention-seeking though facile form-making instead endeavoring to produce architectural solutions where there is a merger of design excellence, economic uses of resources and social benefit.

SARA National Honor Award YMWHA Rooftop Playground SARA National Design Awards for Landscape Architecture YMWHA Rooftop Playground RZAPS Honored With SARA NY Award for YMWHA Rooftop Playground YMWHA Rooftop Playground 2022 Annual Gala of the Randall's Island Park Alliance 2022 Honoree 2022 Annual Gala of the Randall's Island Park Alliance Randall’s Island Redevelopment Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) National Design Awards Award of Honor Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) National Design Awards Zucker's Columbus Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) New York Design Awards Award of Merit Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) New York Design Awards Randall's Island Comfort Stations Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) National Design Awards Award of Merit Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) National Design Awards Randall’s Island Redevelopment Global Architecture & Design Award First Award | Category: Urban Design Global Architecture & Design Award Randall’s Island Redevelopment Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) New York Design Awards Award of Honor Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) New York Design Awards Sportime Tennis Center Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture & Design American Architecture Award Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture & Design Skyscape United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Champion Award United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Randall’s Island Redevelopment Design Competition for the Courtland Street/McGill Boulevard Bridge & Art Park in Atlanta, GA Finalist Design Competition for the Courtland Street/McGill Boulevard Bridge & Art Park in Atlanta, GA Skyscape United States Tennis Association (USTA) Award | Large Tennis Center Facility United States Tennis Association (USTA) Sportime Tennis Center American Sports Builder Association (ASBA) Outstanding Facility Award American Sports Builder Association (ASBA) Sportime Tennis Center American Sports Builder Association (ASBA) Distinguished Track Facility Award American Sports Builder Association (ASBA) Icahn Stadium
Close the Gap Competition, Envisioning a Completed East River Greenway Special Mention Close the Gap Competition, Envisioning a Completed East River Greenway Floating Relations
United States Tennis Association (USTA) Outstanding Facility Award United States Tennis Association (USTA) Sportime Tennis Center The Village Voice Best Running Stadium The Village Voice Icahn Stadium American Sports Builders Association (ASBA) Outstanding Tennis Facility Award American Sports Builders Association (ASBA) Sportime Tennis Center
Lavender Lake Art Factory Competition Finalist | Top 20 Lavender Lake Art Factory Competition Gowanus Arts Center
Fashion Center District Annual Property Improvement Award Fashion Center District 260 W 39TH STREET
Reinventing Grand Army Plaza sponsored by Design Trust for Public Space Finalist Reinventing Grand Army Plaza sponsored by Design Trust for Public Space Grand Army Plaza Master Plan
Red Hook Bicycle Master Plan Design Competition sponsored by The Forum for Urban Design Finalist Red Hook Bicycle Master Plan Design Competition sponsored by The Forum for Urban Design Rapid Response Architecture Athletic Business Magazine Facility of Merit Award Athletic Business Magazine Icahn Stadium American Sports Builders Association (ASBA) Outstanding Outdoor Track Facility Award American Sports Builders Association (ASBA) Icahn Stadium New York Construction Award of Merit | Best of 2004 New York Construction Icahn Stadium
California Bernal Property Professional Design Competition Recognition of Design Excellence California Bernal Property Professional Design Competition Central Park for Pleasanton City